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Pros & Cons of Organized Religion

Religious views have come under fire lately. I’ve been told I can't believe in God because of my views on religion and the Bible. Others are telling me that the Bible can no longer be held in the same context as it once was. Over my lifetime I have been ridiculed for my beliefs. I have also been told that my views on Christianity have been skewed by an evil society. For one It’s not just my views on Christianity, it's my view on all organized religions.

There are over 300 Religions worshiping a God. So when you say, as a christiam or muslim or any other religion, I can't believe God. Are you talking about your God or their God, or is it just your God. Does my God play into this?

Now I will admit that religion has its place in human society but not like it has now. The belief in a God or Higher Power, is and was fundamental to human existence. (as a whole) But religion has also held us back, gave us a scapegoat per say. Religion has helped humanity through our darkest times but has also caused some of our darkest times. It is my firm belief that we should all turn from religion and go a more spiritual route.


  • Helps us cope with situations that are out of our control.

  • Inspires us to live by “mostly” good moral code.

  • Gives us something / someone to aspire to.

  • Something to look forward to after death.

These are some admirable things for the pros of religion. As someone who was raised in the church and was very active, I have often found myself asking God to grant me strength to persevere. In my OPINION Christianity was never meant to be a religion. It is a belief system, something for abide by, use as guidance. In my research I have come to believe that the Bible has corrupted Christianity to the root. Here is why I say this.


  • Religion gives us a scapegoat

  • Religion gives you unattainable goals

  • Religion causes wars

  • Religion causes hate

Religion as a whole gives mankind a scapegoat. We all blame it on the will of GOD, or the Devil made me do it. Instead you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself how to fix your own problems or stop and think before you act. No the scapegoat reason will not serve to get you out of trouble legally but it has and does put many people’s mind at ease for crimes commented in Gods name. Yes the Bible sets the rules in direct opposition to human nature. Look at the 10 commandments, I’m not talking about thou shalt not kill, and honor thy mother and father. I’m talking about the crimes of the mind.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

To covet is a basic human desire. There is no getting around that. Your setup to fail. You fail you feel bad, you feel bad you go to church, you go to church the pastor tells you to try harder, you try harder you fail again, you

fail again you feel worse etc….. It’s a never-ending loop. Think of all the breakthroughs that were made because man coveted something that was not his. When we covet it makes us strive. We want a house like our friends, or a car, or more money. Because of this we work harder, Your best friend has something you want, you go out and buy it. Yes if you give in and steal that’s a different story covered by a different commandment. Look at all the wars that been fought over religion. Just look at the crusades. The conflicts now in the middle east. These all stated because of religion. Look at all the people who were put to death for heresy. Religion teaches hate because take a look at the Salem witch trials, the gay/lesbian bashing, even racism. Granted these examples are gross examples of man corrupting the Bible, but the Bible does say that God will not allow his word to be corrupted without punishment

Now its obvious (to me at least) that if the Bible is by some chance real (as in from divine inspiration) then it has already been changed, and is now corrupted and pretty much useless.

Now that I have grown some both in spirituality and mentally I have come to realize that God cannot be found in a book or a building. God can only be found inside of you. You have to trust what you know is right. You have to trust your inner-self. This is the essence of God. God has placed a piece of him in you. That piece of God will guide you to the truth. All you have to do is trust yourself.


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