
Darwin's concept of natural selection has provided a "naturalistic" explanation for the origin of species. Because of recent protest against evolution from creationist. Many Humans have become disillusioned and returned to a pre-Darwinian evolution. They have abandoned atheistic evolution and returning to pantheistic evolution.
Nevertheless, if we develop Darwin’s insight, we can see the emergence of purpose, as of life itself, by small degrees, and by small increments. The first purpose was the organization of matter in ways complex enough to sustain and replicate itself, or establishment of life as we know it now. To create solution to problems that hinder evolution. To find new ways of resisting damage and loss. All this from a group of cells, one cell. some may refer to that cell as God.
Evolutionism is not a modern scientific theory at all, but is as old as human rebellion against the Creator. In fact, the belief that life had its origins in a single basic substance is so widespread among the various peoples of the world, primitive or civilized, that it can be considered one of the few universal themes in the history of ideas.
In fact, the idea of pantheistic evolution is not even limited to that of Earth and its systems. Modern New Agers embrace the whole universe in some form of conscious cosmic evolution. The famous astronomer Fred Hoyle, in fact, has written an entire book entitled, "The Intelligent Universe" (London: Michael Joseph Co., 1983), rejecting terrestrial Darwin-type evolution in favor of cosmic pantheistic evolution. Another British astronomer and physicist, Paul Davies, thinks that modern notions of "order from chaos" somehow prove that the "creative cosmos" has created itself.

In recent years, more scientists have come to recognize that matter and energy possess an innate ability to self-organize. The astonishing ability of an embryo to develop from a single strand of DNA, via an exquisitely well-organized sequence of formative steps, into an exceedingly complex organism. Astonishing, no the evolutionary process. But, just how is the DNA programmed to do this. Perhaps Mother Nature did it! In any case, this is exactly what more and more scientists believe today. All nature is evolutionary. The cosmos is like a great developing organism, and evolutionary creativity is inherent in nature herself.
The universe as a whole is a developing organism, and so are the galaxies, solar systems, and biospheres within it, including the earth. I believe the most fundamental thing we can do today is to believe in evolution.