Open Your Eyes

Awakening, pretty much means 'waking up' from the illusion, you find yourself having a shift of consciousness, or a newly evolving or more heightened perception of 'reality'.
It is a spiritual term for when one starts to put pieces together in life and find a deeper spiritual meaning and resonance. It is like a 'heightening.' Things start to 'click' as you listen to your inner guidance and wisdom. You start to question 'reality' and realize that life is but a dream within a dream. It is quite an existential experience, and can culminate in a more expansive view on life, and the deeper understanding that we are all connected, that there is a truth of the 'oneness' of all existence , rather than division and separateness.
Signs and synchronicities take place, and you find yourself feeling more connected and closer to the truth of life, who you are, and why you are here. The bigger picture starts to sink in and you feel alive and enlightened by your sacred discoveries and inner knowings.
You may have more profound spiritual experiences and an instinctual feeling that something far greater than you can understand is happening ‘in the air’ so to speak. Your new awakened, heightened consciousness breeds a profound sense of love and appreciation for the wonders of the world. You notice things more, and there is a perceivable sensation of something blessed blossoming and emerging within you. It is like an expansion.
Over the course of this planet’s evolution, there have been spiritually evolved souls, Master Teachers, who have contributed in a great way towards the concept of awakening – most notably Jesus Christ and Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), though there are many more to have walked earth’s soil with great wisdom and compassion, generously imparting sacred messages of love, truth and divinity.
Right now we are experiencing huge shifts of consciousness upon the planet with many 'waking up'... We are individually and collectively entering a new paradigm. A transformation. Have you noticed anything 'different' in recent years? Even the new children, being birthed on our planet this millennium have a more soulful energy and come as teachers - have you experienced this?
It is our children that will bring change. It is there
enlightenment, that will awaken the world.
Oprah Winfrey’s, Super Soul Sunday shows, featuring progressive, consciously 'aware' actors and transformational mind-body-spirit authors. She is a major activate for 'new thought theory'. Jim Carrey and Russell Brand are other examples of celebs who have 'woken up', and 'speak up' about it! And there are many books on the topic, such as Eckhart Tolle's powerful, on point and thought-provoking book: "A New Earth".

And out there in the real world, as more of us awaken and step into our power and purpose, the more we step into the new paradigm and potential that energies are pushing us towards. One way or another, you will find yourself on your true road of awakening the spirit within, and then propelling yourself forwards in true and soulful ways that inspire, uplift and affect others in positive ways.
We are all growing and learning, and Spirit is gently nudging us forwards, always on our side.
If you are searching, but haven't found what you need, in organized religions.
The concept of the Sunrise Online Ministry, is to offer a place for those who have become disillusioned with their faith, and the so called people of faith. But, still have a strong sense of spirituality. No rules or comments to follow here, just a place to talk about the purpose of life, and reverence to the planet. All are welcome to be empathetic to their fellow human beings. Our primary purpose is to offer a place of solace,