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Birth and Death Consciousness

During the course of continuous existence, subconsciousness manifests itself in a significant way by linking the end of one existence with the beginning of another. In the womb of creation, it manifests as “Rebirth-Linking-Consciousness” at the moment of conception (birth or rebirth). Thus, the new existence begins with the arising of Rebirth-Linking-Consciousness. It is the first consciousness that begins the new span of existence of body-mind-consciousness.

Similarly, subconsciousness manifests as “Death-Consciousness” which is the last consciousness that ends the current span of existence. Thus, any one span of existence begins with “Rebirth-Linking-Consciousness” and ends with “Death-Consciousness.” Since the moments of birth and death are manifestations of subconsciousness, they are absolutely passive. Nothing can be done to directly or actively change or modify the moments of birth and death because they do not fall in the realm of activity. No matter how powerful, no matter how mighty, no matter how enlightened a person may be, nothing can be done about the moments of birth and death! In other words, there is no such thing as a person taking a birth and then dying. Birth and death are simply the phenomena of consciousness.

Basically, not only birth and death are the phenomena of consciousness, but, everything else is.

Everything in the realm of experience or existence is the phenomena of consciousness, or, to be precise, the phenomena of body-mind-consciousness, because consciousness cannot arise without the mind-body.

Dynamic Consciousness

Cognitive Process of the Soul or Energy

Our daily lives are nothing more than bunch of cognitive processes that are constantly occurring as a result of the dynamics of consciousness. Let me explain what I mean by that.

A cognitive process is that by which we experience and know this world. There are primarily six types of cognitive processes: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and knowing. The first five are connected with five sense-consciousnesses and the sixth one is connected with mind-consciousness. These cognitive processes occur only when essential conditions of matter-mind-consciousness are present.

Simply put, existence is eternal. Birth is an exit from existence, into life or some other astrological plane, and death is a reentry into existence. At birth our conscious becomes more cognitive, at death it becomes more spiritual. At Death, the conscious or soul becomes more in tune with nature and creation.

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