Primitive beings had no religion. Knew nothing of a god. So where did religion come from? The first bipeds were not nocturnal beings. The sun come out, it felt good to them. When the sun went down, well things go bump in the night. But, the sun would come up, and they would feel good again. So to primal beings, sun good dark bad would be a probable conclusion. So began religion at its primordial state.
Animism, which is the belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests. The animistic beliefs of early bipeds matured to the belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess souls.
Animism is religion in its purest form, sometimes referred to as the religion of newborns . All religion has roots to animistic beliefs. It was not till Judaism, which originated in the Middle East some 4000 years ago, that the belief in a single god began. Judaism is the original of the three Abrahamic faiths, which also includes Christianity and Islam. From these convictions many persuasion grew (see graph). So, what brought about the need for the god of Abrahamic ideology? .
Some say it was to comfort the living after a loved one died, now being with the heavenly creator. But, if you look closely, take off the blinders of faith, you can see it is about control and power. Are primitive ancestors grieved at the loss of loved ones, but believed we went on within the universe. They knew right from wrong. They were empathic. One thing they were not was organized.
Judaism simply but all things together under one god. So instead of giving reverence to the universe and its parts. Judaism worshiped them through a single god. Judaism was the first religion to organize its people, the Israelites. Generally speaking, they formed a nation, and gained power, by getting other to believe in something blindly through the concept faith. Faith in a life in the everafter with God, if you followed their laws.
Religions use faith to create an illusion, of an apparition. But why? Well first let’s consider how many faith based religions exist today. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. Yet they all worship the same god? It is simple, not everyone thinks the same. It called free thinking. All these religions exist because of freethinkers.
Someone becomes disillusioned with the teaching of one faith, so they move on, or start their own. The bottom line, it is about power. How can I get people to see things my way! That single statement is what make organized religion so dangerous.
The biggest of those religions are Christianity and Islam, and because of their size, are very dangerous. Christianity formed out of Judaism, Then in the Middle East, just like Judaism, Islam formed. The predominant religion of Arabic people before Islam was some type of polytheism. Now two great powers are formed. Christianity and Islam both a Monotheism faith based organization, both worship a single god through different doctrine. So now the war begins. Islam started in the 7th century, Christianity in the 7 BC. Islam, much like Christianity worked on converting people to their way of thinking. Remember both the religions were formed in the Middle East. Both following the teaching a two different rabble rousers, Jesus and Muhammad. Over the years many monotheistic faith based religions have splintered from both Christianity and Islam. All because of freethinkers. So what make religion so dangerous?
The danger is that, religion actually kills free thinking. If someones free thinking make you a conformist, then you have been robbed of your individuality. Judaism is a religion that you are born into. It does not seek to convert people. However, Christianity and Islam both actively seek converts to their way of thinking. If not, they can become violent. Which is evident in the Crusades, Christian missionaries, and the ongoing wars in the Middle East.
The danger of organized religion can be seen in the current social issues in the United States today. Where people are trying in introduce their religious values into the law of the land. Many countries in the Middle East have already succumbed to religious pressures in law making. It is only a matter of time before the US will ruled under the laws of the christian doctrine, unless Islam get a stronger hold then it will be sharia law. We will then all be ruled by the iron hand of their god.
Dogma- a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.
Are religions a cult? From the perspective of a spiritual person with no religion, I’d have to say yes, all religions are cults by definition. A cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. If you are a spiritual person and gather with friends to discuss you view, that creates no peril to humanity. How ever if you and your friend decide that the rest of humanity has to have the same view as you, then it puts humanity at risk. People came to America, to escape religious persecution, from being forced to conform to a specific belief. Now the same thing is happening in America today. Christians are trying to make what they perceive as moral a low of the land. So what are the non-Christians to do, find another country to move to, or just surrender to their Dogma.
I have a better idea. How about it we reclassify the meaning of religion. In order to remain at the status of a religion or church, you can not actively seek converts or try to persuade any government official to make laws based on you religious believes. Or drop your church status and become an official political party. GOD that is ever scarier.
The people in this video feel, that anyone one against religion is bad.