Basic Human Rights
No organization should be able to determine what is human in nature and what is not. Unless the organization is defending all the nature...

Do Human Races Really Exist?
It is easy to look at someone and say, they are different than me. One is white, another Black. African, Asian, but are there differences...

Pros & Cons of Organized Religion
Religious views have come under fire lately. I’ve been told I can't believe in God because of my views on religion and the Bible. Others...

Religious Naturalism
“Humanistic Paganism” has come to be used more or less synonymously with “Naturalistic Paganism.” Naturalistic Paganism is a form of...

After Death or What's Next
Respective theories on life after death The theories of ‘after-lives’ of the two religious schools of thought are related to their...

What is Spirituality?
The term spirituality or being spiritual is being used quite frequently these days, but what exactly does it mean and how does it relate...

Why you might like Scientific Pantheism
Atheism and agnosticism are great as starting points, but each defines itself negatively, in relation to a belief in "God" that it denies...

The Force of Nature
As i sit here looking how much snow I need to shovel. I can't help but wonder why nature is so crule. It brings to mind the stories of...